Rubric A - Ocean Currents
Classroom participation and group
A. Student engages intensely in classroom activities even when
answers or solutions are not immediately apparent
4 - Consistently demonstrates strong determination in the pursuit
of solutions, monitors his or her level of involvement, and
develops and uses a number of strategies to keep self on task.
3 - Consistently shows determination in the pursuit of solutions
and uses strategies to keep self on track.
2 - Sporadically shows determination in the pursuit of solutions
and uses strategies to keep self on track.
1 - Rarely, if ever, shows determination in the pursuit of
solutions or uses strategies to keep self on track.
B. Restrains impulsivity in the classroom.
4 - Consistently and carefully considers whether classroom
situations are appropriate before acting.
3 - Consistently considers whether classroom situations are
appropriate before acting.
2 - Sporadically considers whether classroom situations are
appropriate before acting.
1 - Rarely, if ever, considers whether classroom situations are
appropriate before acting.
C. Is sensitive to the feelings and levels of
knowledge of others.
4 - Consistently demonstrates insight concerning the feelings and
levels of knowledge of others and exhibits this insight while
communicating. Always encourages respect for individual
differences and sensitivities.
3 - Consistently shows the ability to communicate with persons of
diverse knowledge and sensitivities and encourages respect for the
feelings, knowledge, and abilities of others.
2 - Sporadically shows the ability to communicate with persons of
diverse knowledge and sensitivities and encourages respect for the
feelings, knowledge, and the abilities of others.
1 - Rarely, if ever, shows the abilities to communicate with
persons of diverse knowledge and sensitivities or encourages
respect for the feelings, knowledge, and the abilities of others.
D. Works toward the achievement of group goals.
4 - Consistently and actively helps identify group goals and works
hard to meet them.
3 - Consistently communicates commitment to group goals and
carries out assigned roles.
2 - Sporadically communicates commitment to group goals and
carries out assigned roles.
1 - Rarely, if ever, communicates commitment to group goals or
carries out assigned roles.
E. Effectively performs a variety of roles within the
4 - Demonstrates an ability to perform a wide range of roles
within the group.
3 - Demonstrates an ability to perform different roles within the
2 - Demonstrates an ability to perform a restricted range of roles
within the group.
1 - Does not demonstrate an ability to change roles within the
F. Makes effective plans.
4 - Consistently meets goals, creates and adheres to detailed
3 - Frequently meets goals, creates and adheres to detailed
2 - Sporadically meets goals, creates and adheres to detailed
1 - Rarely, if ever, meets goals, creates and adheres to detailed
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Caribbean Cruisers - developed by Sara Bork, Carrie Kriescher,
Candice Murphy, & Melissa Randall
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