My Ocean Speaks

I have a perch high on a rocky crag where I can talk with my ocean. Eye tells me that we, the ocean and I, are on equal level, even though I have climbed and climbed to read this lofty perch.

I leaned long ao that one cannot climb higher than the ocean. Once I climbed the highest ridge, I shinnied up the tallest tree, parted the branches and looked out. There was the ocean. Now I am content to sit on my rocky perch and talk with my ocean, eye to eye.

Sit beside me as my ocean speaks: "I am part of, yet apart from, the whole. I break humbly at your feet, still I am mighty in depth and strength. I am ever the same, yet I am constant change and motion. I support a ship and swallow a stone. I am both sound and silence, wave upon wave, day after day."

Carried upward on the spray of a cresting wave comes the tangy, salty odor of the sea. "I am cool, wet rock, limp seaweed, yielding sand. I am hermit crab scurrying for cover at low tide. I am sea gulls skimming watery surface. I am moments alone, golden sunset moments huddled beyond reach of the pounding surf."

All these things my ocean speaks as I sit and watch and listen. But mostly my ocean tells me of God: "I am symbolic of Omnipresence. I am always here, whether or not you choose to look or listen. Early in the morning the rolling waves announce my presence. In late hours I am still there, restful, powerful, unfathomable depth of Love, infinite source of Life."

Thought to thought we are, ocean and I.Ý In mute wonder my listening ear hears the divine voice. Once again I am ready to walk down into the valley.

    - Olga Cossi


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Caribbean Cruisers - Developed by Sara Bork, Carrie Kriescher, Candice Murphy, and Melissa Randall


This page submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program