Travel Itinerary

Evaluation Rubric



4 = Locations listed in a logical order; no spelling errors

3 = Locations listed in a logical order; only 1 spelling error

2 = Some inconsistency in sequencing of locations, less than 4 spelling errors

1 = Inconsistency in sequencing of locations; various spelling errors



4 = Concise descriptions; location specific; less than 3 grammatical errors

3 = Concise descriptions; location specific; less than 4 grammatical errors

2 = Vague description; not location specific; less than 5 grammatical errors

1 = Vague description, not location specific, many grammatical errors



4 = Distances calculated correctly, includes labels

3 = Distances calculated correctly, missing labels

2 = Some problems with calculations, includes labels


1 = Some problems with calculations, missing labels


Travel Time:

4 = Time calculated correctly; includes labels

3 = Time calculated correctly, missing labels

2 = Some problems with calculations, includes labels

1 = Some problems with calculations, missing labels


****Total Points /16


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