Rubric for Water Danger Essays

1. Personal response

3 pts. Writer gives personal opinion, telling of likes and dislikes and offering reasons.

2 pts. Writer gives some opinion but bases most of response on facts.

1 pt. Writer gives no personal opinion and simply lists facts.

2. Supporting facts

3 pts. Writer can site specific facts and examples to support personal opinions.

2 pts. Writer gives a few facts but there are not facts for every opinion.

1 pt. Writer has no facts to support opinions.

3. Spelling/grammar/paragraph development

4 pts. No spelling or punctuation mistakes. Thoughts are well-developed and in proper order.

3 pts. Ideas are well-developed but a few spelling and grammar exist.

2 pts. A few spelling and grammar errors, and paper lacks focus.

1 pt. Paper has many errors and no focus.


Total of 10 points are possible.


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