Rubric for Molokai, Lanai essays

  1. Personal response

    3pts. Writer gives personal opinion, telling of likes and dislikes and offering reasons.

    2pts. Writer gives some opinion but bases most of response on facts.

    1pt. Writer gives no personal opinion and simply lists facts.

  2. Supporting facts

    3pts. Writer can site specific facts and examples to support personal opinions.

    2pts. Writer gives a few facts but there are not facts for every opinion.

    1pt. Writer has no facts to support opinions.

  3. Spelling/grammar/paragraph development
4pts. No spelling or punctuation mistakes. Thoughts are well developed and in proper order.

3pts. Ideas are well-developed but a few spelling and grammar exist.

2pts. A few spelling and grammar errors, and paper lacks focus.

1pt. Paper has many errors and no focus.


Total of 10 points possible

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