Rubric for Hale-Mano acts

Each group's act will be worth 25 points.

22-25 pts. Group accurately and thoroughly presents the story from their section of the book. Dialogue is in-depth and details from the reading are cited and used. There are no major points missing, and the acting is easy to follow. Every member is involved in the production. Props or clothes are not necessary but a welcome addition to the presentation.

17-21 pts. Presentation is accurate but lacks depth and covers only the main points. Some of the group members take large roles, but others do little but watch.

13-16 pts. Presentation contains some inaccuracies and shows signs of not reading the text very closely. The presentation is missing a major point in the story. The group is unprepared and not all members are participating.

0-12 pts. Group does not accurately represent any part of their section of the story. Teacher needs to relate to class what really happened in order to proceed with the next group. Only one or two members worked toward completing the project.

Student evaluations

Rate on a scale from 1 to 5 (poor to good)

  1. This group's presentation was easy to understand 1 2 3 4 5
  2. The actors gave good effort and were believable. 1 2 3 4 5
  3. My overall grade of this group is . .. . 1 2 3 4 5

What I liked best about this presentation is ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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