Permission Slip


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

All _______graders in the _____pod are invited to attend an overnight trip to Washington Island, in Door County on date .

This trip is designed to teach students about how different it is living on an island as compared with the mainland. While on the island, the students will engage in various activities such as, water testing, seining for animal habitat, and they will be exposed to a variety of different aspects about island life.

Since the bus will be leaving the school on ____date___ at 7:00 a.m. sharp, we would like the students to be dropped no later than 6:45 a.m. We will return back to school the following day by noon.

Please complete and return the bottom portion of this form if your child is interested in joining the fun. All forms and money are due by:_______________





My child ______________________ has permission to attend the overnight trip to Washington Island on




Parent Signature

Yes, I would like to chaperone___________________________________

Parent Name and Daytime Phone Number


* Please write a check for the amount of ___________________

Ferry Ride ($7.00 round trip)

Bus Ride (amount varies)

Food for Luau (amount varies)

*Students may wish to bring additional money to buy souvenirs

In addition to the cost of the trip, each students will need to bring a sleeping bag and pillow, plus any personal belongings for an overnight trip.

Go to Washington Island

Go to Schedule of Lessons