
Welcome to your two-day stay on the island of Kauai. You will learn background knowledge about this island as well as knowledge that can be applied to other (if not all) Hawaiian Islands. During your stay, you will be split into five separate groups. Your groups will then be rotating between five different centers (each group starts at a different center). The instructions will be placed within each center and you will need to read through them before beginning. Your teacher will be walking around the room facilitating and helping the different groups.

The following are helpful Internet sites about Kauai if further background knowledge is needed:

- The History of Kauai - http://www.hshawaii.com/kvp/feathis.html

- The Island of Kauai - http://www.1cruise.com/hawaii/kauai.htm

- Island Highlights - http://www.gohawaii.com/hokeo/islands/kauai.html

- Kauai: The Garden Isle - http://www2.hawaii.edu

- Will Squyries Helicopter Tour: Virtual Kauai Tour -




Center #1 - The Legendary Menehune

Center #2 - Captain James Cook

Center #3 - Volcanoes

Center #4 - Hurricane Physics

Center #5 - Hurricane Hunter


Go to The Legendary Menehune

Go to Schedule of Lessons