Rubric for Two Highways project

Assessment will be done on a 10-point scale.

9-10 pts. Group displayed high level of creativity: Created new roads, created alternate means of travel, and prioritized needs of the community. Fully explained why they chose the road they did. Found alternate uses for the Fox River. Considered what areas are not covered by the roads and how those people will live.

7-8 pts. Group shows creativity in creating roads and finds alternate means of transportation and uses for the Fox River. Group has difficulty explaining why they chose their roads and doesn't consider what will happen to those who don't live close to the roads.

4-6 pts. Group shows some creativity, but plan has major problems. Some uses for Fox River are mentioned, but plight of people in many areas in unaccounted for. There are few reasons for road selection.

0-3 pts. Group shows no creativity and finds no alternate uses for the Fox River. Group keeps all current roads and uses and cannot develop anything new.


Student evaluation

Group members ___________________________________________

Overall score for this group (circle) 1 2 3 4 5

5= excellent, very unique solutions

4= good, high creativity

3= average, creative but missing key points

2= fair, lacks creativity

1= poor, not finished and inaccurate

What did you like best about this presentation? _________________




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