Scottish Clan Project:

Kidnapped begins with David Balfour leaving his home in Essendean after the death of his father. Mr. Campbell, the minister of Essendean, gives David a letter as requested by David's father. Mr. Campbell tells David that his father wants him to go to the house of the Shaws because "That is the place I came from and it's where my boy should return" (Kidnapped, 1-2). Mr. Campbell, explaining the house of Shaws to David, says "But the names of that family, Davie boy, is the name you bear--Balfours of Shaws: . . ." (Kidnapped, 2).

Later in his adventures, David Balfour meets Alan Breck Stewart (Kidnapped, 37). Alan Stewart is from the Highlands of Scotland. Alan and David travel throughout Scotland encountering various people of different Scottish clans. Their journey ends when David returns to claim his inheritance at the house of Shaws.

  1. Each Scottish Team will create a map of Scotland (E.g. - 3-D map, 2-D colored map, etc.) Each map must include:
    • Scotland's three main land regions: the Highlands, the Central Lowlands and the Southern Uplands.
    • The Highlands' two major mountain ranges: the Northwest Highlands and the Grampian Mountains with its highest peak, Ben Nevis. Also included is the deep valley called Glen More which separates the two mountain ranges.
    • The Central Lowlands' three major rivers: the Clyde (Scotland's most important river), the Forth (one of the longest suspension bridges in the world crosses the Firth of Forth) and the Tay (Scotland's largest river).
    • The Cheviot Hills which rise from the Southern Uplands.
    • Various Scottish lakes (called lochs in Scotland): Loch Lomond (Scotland's largest lake) and Loch Ness (famous for its monster).
    • Various Scottish Islands divided into the Hebrides, the Orkney and the Shetland islands.
    • Atlantic Ocean, North Sea and the Scottish Sea.
    • Scotland's capital city, Edinburgh.
  2. Each team will write a brief paper on the history of Scotland and its people. It can include information regarding Scottish
    • language
    • clothing
    • culture
    • traditions
    • daily life
    • religion
  3. Assign wach team a clan. Each team will create a display that represents its clan. Information on the each team's clan should include information on the following:
    • Clan crest
    • Clan Tartan colors
    • Clan flower
    • Clan motto
    • Brief history of clan origin
    • Clan chieftains
    • Clan territory

      Shaw Clan

    You are David Balfour and the name you bear is the Balfours of Shaws. You belong to the Shaw Clan and you want to know more about your family clan.

    Campbell Clan

    You are a member of the Campbell Clan. According to Alan Breck Stewart, the Campbells are enemies of the Stewarts. You want to find out about the Campbell clan and why the Campbells do not like the Stewarts.

    Stewart Clan

    You are Alan Breck Stewart, son of Duncan Stewart, the best swordsman in the Highlands of Scotland. You want to find out about your clan and the Highlands of Scotland.

  4. Each team memeber must do one of the following individual projects:
    • Research information on a Scottish castle (E.g. - Torosay on the Isle of Mull mentioned in Kidnapped). Using recycled items from class or home, members will create a Scottish castle and present the castle to the class, explaining various parts of the castle.
    • Locate Scottish recipes. Members will create one or two of them to be shared with the class. (CAUTION: Ask teacher and/or parents for help with ingredients and cooking.) Students will turn in a copy of the recipes that have been discovered.
    • Find and learn a folk song(s) or music from Scotland. Members will lead the class in singing the folk songs.
    • Learn to play a Scottish game. Teams will teach the class to play the game. Turn in a copy of the instructions for the game.
    • Study Scottish battles, the clans wars or the Jacobite rebellion of 1745. Describe the events that occurred. Create a map of the battle site. Study the events leading up to the clash (E.g. - Why did the fight start?) and the outcome of the conflict (E.g. - Who won?). Also describe and find pictures of various weapons used.
  5. Each team member will keep a personal journal or log of progress towards completion of the team project. Each member will include individual and team work being done, the team's successes, problems and any other information they want to share with the teacher.
  6. Each team member will assess all the other team members in their group. (See Team Member Assessment Rubric)

Possible Resources:

  1. History of Clans in Scotland can be found on the Internet at html
  1. Information on Scottish Clans can be found on the Internet at
  1. Scottish maps, region and places can be found on the Internet at
  1. Scottish Fair and Folk Tales by George Brisbane Douglas (Arno Press, 1977)
  2. Book 11 Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Scotland retold by Virginia Haviland (Beech Tree Paperback Books, 1995)
  3. Book 4 Favorite Stories and Songs The Bookshelf for Boys and Girls (The University Society, Inc., 1991)
  4. The Historical Geography of Scotland since 1707 by David Turnock (Cambridge University Press, 1982)
  5. Highland Bagpipes [Phonodisc] by Seumas MacNeill (Tradition/Everest, 1971)
  6. (Cambridge University Press, 1987)

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