Each summer, for the ten years that our program was funded, as a component of the face-to-face workshops, teacher-participants were asked to
sign-in to our website to be presented with six additional presentations by COSEE CGOM faculty and featured scientists. These lessons expanded upon material that was presented in the face-to-face workshop and featured additional material that is of concern to the Gulf of Mexico and our Ocean.
During each institute, teachers were to be presented with two lessons a week for three weeks. Each presentation featured:
- a slideshow with notes;
- a discussion section for questions, comments and interaction with other teachers and the scientist;
- additional resources such as videos, news articles, journal articles and glossaries;
- four short-answer questions based upon the lesson material; and
- a place to upload a lesson plan based upon the featured presentation.
As mentioned above, a major component of this online institute was the development of lesson plans based upon the material presented. These lesson plans were reviewed by COSEE CGOM personnel, and at the conclusion of the program, the best of the best were included in our
lesson plan database, which are still available to all teachers across the globe to help them in developing ocean learning material for their students.
For additional information, please contact:
Brian M. McCann, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 9662
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: 662-325-3226 office
Fax: 662-325-8761
Email: bmccann@ext.msstate.edu |