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Excitement About Aquarius Launch

Grade level: 9-12
Theme: 21st century technology
Video: aquarius_launch.flv

Aquarius is going to be launched later this year. And one of the great things about it is that it has been in planning for a number of years and the launch is very exciting to all of those of us who have been working on it and looking forward to the launch. The main thing about it is that it is going to be giving us more data. So anybody who works in studying the oceans, the atmosphere, or the land on large scales is always interested in getting back more data. Because that just tells us a lot more about how the earth is working.
Student Outcomes 
After viewing this video, students should be able to:
Explain how new technology can enhance the gathering and manipulation of oceanic data. (T: 9-12)

Key:  C = climate / O = ocean circulation / T = 21st century technology / W = water cycle